Emissions, carbon and nature-repair (biodiversity)
Emissions baseline mapping (carbon footprint)
We work with our clients to map current scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, providing them with a baseline understanding of their business’ emissions and setting the foundation for effective reduction strategies. A baseline emissions footprint enables our clients to track progress, meet regulatory requirements, and demonstrate an ongoing commitment towards sustainability
Science-based emissions reduction strategies and targets
With an understanding of baseline emissions, our team leverages the latest scientific research and industry best practices to develop emissions reduction strategies and targets for our clients. Each plan and set of targets are unique and we work very closely with each client to understand what is feasible and realistic for their organisation to achieve
Carbon market and nature-repair market projects
We support our clients with navigating the complex carbon and nature-repair (biodiversity) markets in Australia. Each client is unique, as is each project and desired outcome. Our team can support with developing initial project strategies including soil carbon initiatives and understanding which types of pasture or trees will produce the best outcomes for specific areas of land. We also support with project development and registering projects with the Australian Clean Energy Regulator (CER) and Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU’s)
Carbon credits, insets and offsets
We support our clients with navigating the complexities of carbon credits, insets and offsets by developing a holistic strategy that is unique to their organisation and desired targets